


Flaxseed Oil Vs Fish Oil - contemplate Which is Best

In a contest, flaxseed oil vs fish oil, which is triumphant? Well, as you may be aware, both are useful to your health. They both supply omega 3 fatty acids.

So what's the difference? Can you replace one and use the other?

Flaxseed Oil Dosage

No. Each of them contains different types of omega 3 fatty acids, that's how they are different. And this means that you cannot replace one with the other.

Flaxseed Oil Vs Fish Oil - contemplate Which is Best

Here's a quick rundown of omega 3 fatty acids.

There are 3 kinds of them. These are Ala, Epa and Dha. The body absorbs Epa and Dha fat easier than it does with Ala.

40% of the brain is made of up Dha, and as well as 60% of the retina. Researchers used to believe Epa was more beneficial, but current studies have proven that Dha is best for your health.

Similarly, Dha can be converted into Epa whenever the body needs it, but the reverse conversion is impossible. That's why it is regarded as the most of the three fatty acids.

Flaxseed oil vs Fish Oil


Fish oils are harvested from living creatures like hoki, sardines, tuna and mackerel. In disagreement to this, flaxseed oil is taken from flaxseed.

Omega 3 indispensable Fatty Acids

Fish based oils consist of both Dha and Epa and flaxseed oil contains Ala.

Daily Dosage

Experts propose that you take 500mg of Dha each day, which can be done taking two capsules of 250mg each. Conversely, because the body finds it difficult to change Ala to Epa and Dha, lots of flaxseed is required to get your daily amount.


Because you have to buy more flaxseed to consume wholesome quantities, it will inevitably cost you more. However, some capability fish oils can be purchased for just over per month.

Therefore, in my concept at least, when it comes to flaxseed vs fish oil, I would select fish based oil. It is more cost-effective and has more Dha in it (at least some do.) This is more useful to your health.

Your next step? Find a capability fish oil supplement, preferably containing at least 250mg of Dha and 120mg of Epa per capsule.

Flaxseed Oil Vs Fish Oil - contemplate Which is Best
Flaxseed Oil Dosage
Flax oil vs angle oil Tube. Duration : 4.20 Mins.

For more info visit my site at: Flax oil vs fish oil. Which is best? What are the differences? Can you use both or just one? Learn facts in this vid! Speaking of fish oils supplements, it's a perfect example of how one can compare labels and doses to see if (1) they are getting the correct dose for the effects they desire (eg, the therapeutic dose) and (2) if the product is actually cost effective compared to another. Quality issues not withstanding, do you actually look at the % of active lipids EPA and DHA when you buy fish oil supplements? Retailers are betting you don't...What's the better deal: A product that is 30% active lipids for for 100 1g caps vs. say a product that is 50% active lipids containing the same 100 1g caps for ? clearly, the latter product is the better deal but the first is cheaper. Two, are you looking at the % of active lipids to make sure you are taking enough to have an effect? If not, you are short changing yourself both physically and financially. In either of my ebooks for example, I attempt to not only teach people which supplements actually work, but how to learn to read labels, so they are educated consumers, able to save money on the supplements they purchase. Learn more:

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